Mouthguards for Sports - Custom Fit Mouthguards
The most common cause of dental injuries comes from the pursuit of sport, leisure and recreational activities where impact can damage the jaws and teeth.
The degree of damage to the teeth, jaws and face can occasionally be devastating. It is a worthwhile investment to have a custom fit mouthguard fitted as it provides valuable protection for the future of your teeth due to their close fit, increased comfort and cushioning effect.
‘Off the shelf’ mouthguards are generally large, bulky and loose fitting, providing inadequate protection. A custom fit mouthguard involves a custom fitting from one of our experienced dentists who specialise in custom sports mouth guards North Sydney. They will assess your mouth and provide the best fit, size, coverage and thickness specifically designed for your mouth to the type of activity you are involved in.
Whether you participate in hockey, rugby, soccer, boxing, cricket martial arts or are simply accident prone, your mouthguard will be custom designed to protect your teeth and jaws from potentially shocking trauma.
The benefits include an increased ability to breathe, communicate, and perform with confidence, greatly enhancing your sporting experience.
And don't forget to get vibrant because the colour choice is yours!
North Sydney Dental Practice are your North Sydney custom mouthguard specialists. Contact our friendly team at our North Sydney dental practice to arrange your custom mouthguard.